
Mobile CRM Anywhere is the mobile application of Customer Relationship Management by Internalia Group.

  1. ·Find clients by keyword, date, creator or activity.

  2. ·List of customers with custom tab and associated products.

    ·History of annotations for a commercial follow-up, that is, of all communications that have been taken with them: emails, faxes, phone calls, etc.

  3. ·Assigning appointments or interviews with different business.

  4. ·Scheduling interviews daily, weekly and daily planning.

  5. ·List of leads, with calculation of quantities and trade closing.

  6. ·Statistics of application usage: statistics on the commercial management of each user and the location in which they find their customers.

  7. ·Setting activities and statuses.

  8. ·A detailed knowledge related to each customers’ products and the actions taken related to them.

  9. ·Assign different actions on the agendas of users, such as the first visit after an action telemarketing.

  10. ·To know the situation of the company or all commercial users in real time: Budgets made between dates, classified by trade, by state, by business, etc.

In short, this is an application that lets you take any business opportunity on the move, improve service to customers will be much more personalized, and also will release your trade negotiations to be conducted at any time, anywhere via your mobile phone.